Drug abuse is a wild topic everywhere, including in Minnesota. Opioid, narcotics, and alcohol abuse is getting out of hand, and according to a report from CDC, over 930,000 people have lost their lives due to drug overdose. Most of these people died due to the misuse or overuse of opioids.
People also misuse and over-consume alcohol. Some reports have estimated over 140,000 annual death rates due to alcohol consumption; that’s roughly 380 people dying per day. This stat is overwhelming, and it keeps increasing per day. Among the numerous people losing their lives to opioid and alcohol misuse, millions are fighting addiction.
Factors like lack of resources, mediocre medical personnel, and professional stereotypes have stalled and blurred the interrelation between alcohol, opioid, and narcotic abuse over the years. However, the present generation now has unlimited resources and has created the necessary awareness about how addictive these substances can be.
The awareness also brings to light the tremendous medicinal effects of marijuana. Researchers worldwide have started putting things into place to explore how useful cannabis is for substance abuse disorders.
Suppose you or your friends or siblings are struggling with substance addiction. In that case, you will need clarity on whether cannabis can help you and give you a second chance concerning your narcotic, opioid, and alcohol over-consumption. Keep reading for more details!
Reasons People Use Marijuana for Substance Abuse Disorder and Addiction
People have now directed extra attention to the effect of medical cannabis in managing and regulating substance abuse problems, such as opioid and narcotic use, plus alcohol abuse. Many people fighting these disorders would wonder how it works and the benefits it provides. To start with, what do you know about cannabis?
Among the substances that make up cannabis are cannabinoids and terpenes; they have several medicinal benefits. Also, cannabinoids cause mental and physiological sensations in your body, a reaction related to how your body system makes neurotransmitters.
Cannabis has been a source of medical intervention over the years; people use it to improve mood, sleep, work ethic, and appetite. They also use it to relieve pain, regulate sleep, and cure several health issues. The effect comes down to the strain of the marijuana consumed, however, the experience is not the same for everyone.
Also, how these substances react in everyone’s body system and how people react to different medications are different. Before using medical cannabis, contact a doctor for prescriptions, especially if it's your first time. If you are battling substance abuse and addictions to narcotics, alcohol, and the like, medical cannabis is the solution you seek.
Benefits of Medical Cannabis
Harvard Health revealed several significant benefits of medical cannabis and predicted that researchers are still working to find more benefits. However, below are the most common ways you can use medical cannabis;
You can use medical cannabis to reduce chronic pains. People suffer severe pain from accidents, infections, and genetic conditions; medical cannabis can control these pains when properly administered. People use substances like opioids to manage pain even though they have dangerous side effects that can complicate health conditions. Instead, cannabis is a better and safer option.
Cannabis also has anti-seizure properties useful for epileptic patients and everyone suffering from seizure-causing problems. Cannabis regulates and reduces seizure issues faster and more effectively than other medicine or narcotics. It does not have excessive complicating side effects, and FDA has approved Epidiolex¹ as the only organic cannabinoid-based medication for many addiction issues.
Many medical practitioners have also prescribed cannabis as the best medication for Parkinson’s disease. Cannabis has sedative properties that can minimize tremors and muscle injuries.
Cannabis can also reduce and manage inflammation and neuropathic issues.
Medical cannabis can manage hypertension and reduce blood pressure after stress examinations such as pressure tests.
Most people always think the medical conditions listed above have nothing to do with narcotic alcohol and opioid abuse; however, they do. This is why some people purchase manufactured drugs that are less effective than expected. As a result of the disappointment, some people stop taking the medications and then start using substances like narcotics and opioids to manage the pain.
Cannabis vs. Opioids, Alcohol, and Narcotics
Below are some of the drugs that are subject to the most abuse and, in turn, cause death and many health complications.
Substances like fentanyl, codeine, methadone, and oxycontin are all remnants of opioids and morphine. They are a few of the most abused substances in the world.
Amphetamines such as Adderall, Ritalin, and methylphenidate are also very common.
People suffering from depression and PTSD also overuse and abuse depressants and sleep medicines such as Ambien, Lunesta, barbiturates, and benzos.
All the substances mentioned above are all Schedule II drugs meaning people excessively use them. Even people without over-dependence issues can become addicts when taking any of these substances. Alcohol is another deadly substance in this category, and the way people abuse alcohol is not news to anyone.
Even though people know how harmful these substances are to their health, they still consume them massively, and one of the reasons is that they are legal and they can get it in nearby stores and bars.
Can Cannabis Help People Manage Substance Abuse Issues?
To a large extent, Medical cannabis is the solution many drug addicts seek. It can manage substance abuse because;
It offers the best and safest option for people trying to achieve sobriety.
It is more affordable.
Suppose it is your first time using medical cannabis to reduce and manage your substance and alcohol abuse issues. In that case, you should get a prescription from pro-cannabis-mental health or a substance abuse professional.
Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment
Substance abuse is mostly regarded as a societal issue influenced by criminality; however, it is bigger than that. To manage and cure opioid use disorder, medical practitioners and addiction specialists promote opioid agonists as the best solution. Methadone and buprenorphine are the two common opioids mostly used to manage substance abuse disorders.
Agonists don’t complicate behaviors typical of substance misuse, but reduce cravings, the user’s need to consume those substances, and it gives them more control over their condition as they work to attain sobriety.
As effective as agonists are in offering a second chance for opioids, narcotics, and alcohol users, they are not available for public consumption. Also, only one agonist is widely approved for substance misuse disorder for public consumption; it is called naltrexone.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Minnesota
Reserve an appointment with one of our doctors today. As soon as we're cleared, we'll book an appointment for you with one of our qualified, compassionate marijuana physicians.
You'll meet with your doctor via a telemedicine appointment from the safety of your home using a smartphone or computer. You'll also save $25 off the cost of your appointment!
If you and your doctor decide medical marijuana is right for you, they will provide you with the state-required certification, putting you on the road to the relief that only medical marijuana can provide!
Doctors Who Care.
Relief You Can Trust.
Minnesota Marijuana Card aims to help everyone achieve wellness, safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.
If you have any questions, call us at (833) 781-6671 or reserve a medical marijuana evaluation to get the relief you can trust today!
And don't forget to check out Minnesota Marijuana Card's Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information.